Sunday, October 14, 2007

Crikey! She's a Beauty! (by Jake)

As part of our 2 week tour we went to Kakadu and took a Crocodile Tour. It was on the Adelaide River. The water was really muddy and dirty which helps them sneak up on prey. The boat was a 2 decker.
On top you could look down and see the crocodiles or you could go to the lower level and look at them through the window. There was a lady who put pieces of meat on a pole with string and when the crocs came she would pull the string up so they had to 'jump' for it. The female saltwater crocs were about 2 1/2 to 3 meters long. The male was about 4 1/2 meters long. The male could have about 70 girlfriends at once. There was a female about every 100 meters of the bank. That's a lot of crocs. CRIKEY!
Saltwater crocodiles can live in both fresh and salt water. This river is near the coast and is both kinds of water. We saw about 7 females and only 1 male. The male looked way bigger than the females. A lot of the crocs had been in many fights and had lost some of their legs. On the way back to the dock the lady threw small bits of meat into the air and birds came over and caught them in their mouths. It was cool to watch because there was about 30 big birds of prey circling us on top. The birds would come down one at a time and catch it and swoop up again. A couple days later when we went kayaking we saw signs saying "DO NOT ENTER: CROCODILE NESTING AREA" and we saw a freshwater crocodile swimming across the river. It was about 2 meters long.
Every time we swam in the fresh water we always thought of the freshwater crocodiles. Everybody in the family thought about it just a little bit.

Take my advice: Read the signs, do not swim, crocs could be anywhere in the water. If you try to go swimming you could be eaten alive...

I thought that this tour was totally wicked!

Written by Jake, typed by dad...


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